
Looking for helpful models and a selection of research?

Looking for helpful models and a selection of research?

We highlighted a few free resources that can help you in this work.

The Centre for Global Inclusion (2021)

Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World (GDEIB)

The GDEIB is a maturity model designed to guide organizations to achieve best practices.

It helps leaders and DEI professionals assess their organizations and implement strategies that work as an integrated system.

The GDEIB was created by Nene Molefi, Julie O’Mara, Alan Richter, and 112 Expert Panellists.

Catalyst (2020)

Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter (Quick Take)

This is a selection of findings on the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, with an emphasis on studies published in the last few years.

The list was created by Catalyst and the data and findings were selected from a vast body of research.

TRIEC (2017)

Inclusive Workplace Competencies

The Inclusive Workplace Competencies (IWC) is a research-based framework that describes knowledge, skills, and behaviours needed to create an inclusive workplace.

Organizations around the world are using IWC to:

  • Define inclusive behaviours for leaders and teams

  • Develop diversity and inclusion training

  • Set performance goals

  • Inform policies and practices

  • Expand your existing competencies framework

The model was developed by TRIEC.


Our articles

  • Landing page of a fireside chat called DEI toolbox: Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) with photos of spearkers - Anna Kostecka and Hamlin Grange

    17 June 2024

    DEI must have: intercultural competence

    Before returning to Europe, I spent most of my DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) career in Canada. I’ve lived and worked in Toronto - one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Unsurprisingly, I am often asked about the best DEI practices from there.

  • A hand holding a magnifying glass over a world map made of coins.

    24 August 2023

    Anna, what are your salary expectations?

    I don’t remember the exact movement when it started, but as my career progressed, recruiters approached me more and more. The first conversation always includes a question about my salary expectations and sometimes about my current earnings.

  • 22 June 2023

    A strong foundation: DEI Essentials

    About two years ago I talked to a Head of Diversity and Inclusion in a global organization with headquarters in Europe. She shared that when her role was created it originally had “Equity” in the title. However, many employees responded with emails asking if there was a mistake there and if it shouldn’t say “Equality”.

  • Two people holing hands and a Pride flag

    13 June 2023

    Pride Month and the core of DEI work

    One of the common misconceptions about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is that basically, it is about three things: hiring, training, and events. In reality, DEI is much more complex as it is about changing unfair systems and making our workplaces and societies better for everyone.

  • Image showing a part of a laptop and the front cover of the report "Diversity Management in Poland. Where are we and where are we going?. The title is written in Polish.

    2 February 2023

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Poland

    People often ask me about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work in Poland so I was thrilled to come across the newest report by the Responsible Business Forum (RBF). The authors interviewed 800 mid-sized and large companies from 10 sectors to take stock of the state of DEI in the country.

  • Biuro typu open space

    26 January 2023

    Debunking the myth of neutrality

    A colleague of mine told me about X. X is the CEO of a large company in a big city. Because he is passionate about volunteering and supports specific charitable initiatives outside of his working hours, every leader in his organization also needs to do that to be promoted. X considers volunteering during your “leisure” time an example of living company values and demonstrating leadership capabilities. Good intentions? Absolutely. Impact? A leadership team in which women are even more underrepresented than usual. Why?

  • 21 January 2023


    My name is Anna Kostecka. I use the pronouns she and her. For the last +10 years, I have been helping organizations in Europe, Canada, and even Western Australia build workplaces that work for everyone. That means changing organizational systems like Talent Management, building an inclusive culture, and developing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) capacity of leaders and teams. I worked with organizations from various industries, sizes and sectors - from the largest private companies to the public sector and smaller non-profits.

Building a workplace that works for everyone requires time and commitment.

I created What Works as a collaboration platform to bring high-quality consultants to help you advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at your organization.

Building a workplace that works for everyone requires time and commitment.

I created What Works as a collaboration platform to bring high-quality consultants to help you advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at your organization.


Why What Works?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a journey without a destination
and it takes time and commitment to do it right.

“Not only we recognized personal growth from Anna’s coaching but, as a team, we became a more aligned leadership team”

In 2020, our team embarked on a journey of inclusive leadership & culture transformation. We engaged Anna to customize an IDI assessment, conduct individual coaching sessions to my leadership team, and facilitate an interactive learning session for the group. Not only we recognized personal growth from Anna’s coaching but, as a team, we became a more aligned leadership team and have implemented a number of practices benefiting our entire organization.”

Daniel Yeung

Director, Customer Experience Strategy and Operations at Telus

“She is a well-rounded professional, educator, and advocate who truly understands what it takes to elevate any organizations’ diversity actions to a higher level of effectiveness.”

I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Anna on the design and delivery of an inclusive leadership program. Anna has shown an innate talent for leading a multifaceted program and for leveraging her in-depth knowledge and experience to support leaders and employers in achieving inclusive workplaces. She is a well-rounded professional, educator, and advocate who truly understands what it takes to elevate any organizations’ diversity actions to a higher level of effectiveness.

Shirley Marie Garcia

Director, People and Culture at March of Dimes Canada

“Your mastery of equity and inclusion, let you identify and guide us on a path to achieve results clearly and concisely.”

Thank you Anna for the incredible leadership you have brought in creating and co-facilitating an equity and inclusion Community of Practice for equity and inclusion practitioners. From the beginning, you laid out a plan of action in great detail that each of our organizations needed, in order to reach breakthrough success. Your mastery of equity and inclusion, let you identify and guide us on a path to achieve results clearly and concisely. I appreciate that you always ensured each CoP event was adequately prepared in advance to address specific EDI concerns. The roadmap you laid out shows we are on the path to achieving great success for everyone in our respective organizations.

Alicia Lauzon

Equity and Inclusion Practitioner